Bird Personality Test
Though every person is a complex combination of traits and characteristics, there are ways to better understand behaviours and actions. The Bird Personality Test groups people into 4 personalities and provides insights into every personality’s inner being.
It will not only help you discover yourself but also treat your friends and colleagues according to their personalities.
How does it work?
The DOPE (an acronym that stands for Dove, Owl, Peacock, Eagle) Bird Personality Test is a tool for those who are interested in self-discovery. The questions are done in a fun yet introspective way. You will only need to answer each question truthfully. Every answer must come from who you are, not from what you know is correct. To gain meaningful insight, use the tool to discover your inner strengths and positive qualities. It can promote self-assessment, complement career and personal development, and can be used to improve how we interact with others.
Doves are the friendly and loyal type of people. Doves often have an innate drive to be helpful. Always quick to volunteer for the sake of others. Overall, they are people-oriented, sympathetic, supportive, and team players. They have good listening skills, pleasant to work with and can be relied upon. When there are conflicts, they are more likely to avoid confrontation, change, and assertiveness.
The wise and analytical Owls are the perfectionist, methodical, determined, organised and systematic lot. Being detail-oriented, Owls also notice things others would never pick up. With a zest for details and analysis, they are energised by tasks that ensure high-quality results.
The showy and cheerful Peacocks embody happiness and optimism. They love to talk, and they prefer the fast chase and spontaneity. You can always see them motivating the team with nothing but high energy and enthusiasm. Peacocks like to have a good time and will typically boost your morale when times are tough.
The bold and authoritative Eagles are typically dominant and decisive persons. They are typically thought of as Type-A people. As leaders, they are dynamic, natural achievers and decisive. They are output-oriented who prefer the workplace to be well-structured and fully functional.
you are not the same as the other person
“Treating others as you would like others to treat you,” might not work so well after all. The new rule says that it is best to treat others according to their personalities which dictate how they wish to be treated. If you had been wondering why there are people you meld so well and others you collide with every so often, try assessing your different personalities. You may find that you had been needlessly fighting with the wrong bird when you could have pecked the fowl on the tuft.